Monday, November 8, 2010

people judge me wrong

people love to judge others kan? even mereka sbnanrnye x layak pun utk judge sesiapa...
and who the hell are you to sesuki hati nk ckp ape2... is stop to being judges.. for someone, u r in a million..
for me, u r nothing from billion ;)

hurmmm what do u think if u look at me from head to toe? yes, i am chubb, fat fat fat on my belly,piercing on nose,berambut kerinting sakai makahai, berbaju colorful kadang2 baju hijau beg pula merah..ada rmai kwn konon nye..looks like happy party people...see..
sometimes they judge me bad girl..NO IM NOT! im not not drugs dealler or drugs dont smoke..saya x pernah bunuh suke baby menunjuk kan sy ini penyanyang kn ;)aww ..sometimes i feel like saya lebih baik dr perempuan bertudung yaw ;)

one day , my old fren said to me..
"belle, aku tgk life kaw neh best je..hepi sentiase..mcm org xde la..klu boleh aku nk jd mcm kaw"
i just smile to her...actually..siapa je manusia yg hepi? org gila aja just pretend..(bila malam telah datang..terkadang ingin ku tulis semuaaaa= lagu melly goeslow..hikhik..sempat menyanyi) nah terlalu bnyk probs smpai kan jd tension..they dont know my probs..they dont know about me..because what???BECAUSE!!!
itu ada lah kawan2 masa senang they just saw me when im happy..but when im sad? bila susa? they lost!

then..ramai org kate
"if x knal belle neh..mule2 tgk..muke sombong..muke belagak..muke tahik..muke xde prasaan"
haha semua muke2 yg jahat kn kn..
then after kenal they said im a talk-active..hysterically from that..people please dont judge me wrong!

certain said im RICH
so funny..where comes the word?
im just ordinary girl, berumur 21tahun dan makan megi hari2..
hanya KAYA DENGAN SENYUMAN..rezeki hari ini adalah pmberian tuhan..baju cantik ini hasil kumpul uwang..seluar cantik ini pemberian emak..wallet cantik itu hadiah dari abang, ;)
where i got lots money? baju plus seluar plus kasut plus beg plus wallet plus everything..semua murah2 saja..baju pasar malam pun sy pakai je kalau cantik ;)

p/s : hello buddy! jgn terasa dgn belog merepek ini..sumpah sy x kutuk cume terpikir balik ape yang orang cakap kat saya..forgive meeee...

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